Degree in Humanities – Portuguese, Latin and Greek – by the Portuguese Catholic University; Master in Educational Sciences, in the area of Special Education; Specialized teacher in Special Education; Specialized teacher in Pedagogical Supervision and Evaluation of Teachers; Teacher Trainer (in Evaluation, Special Education, Specific Didactics of Portuguese and Sensitization to Special Education). PhD student in Educational Sciences, at UTAD – University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro.
Member of the Technical and Scientific Center of APCS – Portuguese Association of Gifted Children. Teacher Trainer in the scope of Giftedness. Promoter, organizer and speaker at national and international conferences in the field of giftedness. Has been coordinating the Investing in Capacity in Nelas project for 8 years (PIC-Nelas), a project that takes place in a group of 11 schools and has several nationally renowned partnerships. Member of the Dyslexia Center of Portuguese Catholic University – Viseu, in the fields of intervention, training and research.
Has coordinated other projects in the scope of inclusion in general and Dyslexia in particular, including Erasmus +.
Was Vice-President of DISLEX-Associação Portuguesa de Dyslexia from 2013 to 2019; currently she integrates the Scientific Department of this Association.
Has published articles in the scope of dyslexia, giftedness, evaluation of the Special Education teacher. Author of communications at national and international congresses.
At the invitation of Porto Editora, she built materials for students with reading and writing difficulties, which are part of the 2nd year TOP 2 manual.
Author of two books: et al. (2012), a novel about the impact of dyslexia in the first person, and Supervisão, Avaliação e Educação Especial (2015) – Supervision, Evaluation and Special Education -, both published by Edições Esgotadas.